Currently reading: Analysis: How Alfa Romeo sales overtook Jaguar in Europe
British and Italian brands have traded places in the sales charts. Why, and does it matter?

The decline of Jaguar’s fortunes reached a new milestone this year after sales of the brand were overtaken by those of Alfa Romeo across Europe, new figures show.

The crossover point in both brands’ fortunes came at the end of July, when Alfa’s growing rebirth saw it overtake Jaguar with 16,145 units for the year, up 2%, against 15,449 for Jaguar, down a whopping 41%, the figures from Jato Dynamics show.

The switch in fortunes indicates a period of change for both premium brands, with Alfa Romeo benefiting from long-awaited investment and coherent brand strategy from new owners Stellantis after years of neglect.

That neglect left Alfa bumping along the bottom of the sales chart in Europe for years, which makes the new figures both heartening for Alfa fans to see the needle move, and heart-breaking for Jaguar aficionados, who have to watch the...

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